

Wow, what happens when a dream comes true? I see this tree, one of my favorites in Centre County, several times a week on my bike rides home. It always seems so perfect in the middle of a field, the green fields and there is a great old barn just a bit farther down the road. Something of rural dreams.

I wrote about rural dreams, well in a way, in my thesis. The images that are portrayed versus the reality that is there- a theme that surfaced during the course of my work. My work, almost a dream in itself. Something I worked so hard on, and something I am so proud of. I hope that it continues, through me or inspires another - wouldn't that be a dream.

But now what to do? What do you do when a dream comes true. Achieving is scarier then not achieving. It is easy to make excuses to "why not"- busy, real life took over, lost interest, got a job, my dog ate my thesis.... but there are no excuses for success. And then there is the aftermath, the dreaded "what now?" The last question they asked me in my defense, the question that hangs over my head now.... well for a bit I will dream- code for sleep!- and bike past my tree at a slower pace- and know that no matter what --I can do what ever my dreams may be.

Thanks to all who help me realize my dreams.
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