
I want a new me

I want a new me
One that I can look at in the mirror
One that fits into cute dresses
One that feels healthy
One that feels good.

I want a new me
One that doesn't mask the pain
Or runs from it
Or hides from it,
Like it doesn't exist...

I want a new me.

I know what it takes,
I don't know how to do it.
I know the answers,
I don't know if I can do it.

I want a new me.

Starting now.
Starting tomorrow.
Continuing the next day
and the next

I want to be happy with the girl, [strike that] woman,
 I see in the mirror
Not because of society
because of me.
I don't like what I see... and that is not right.

I can make a new me.
I can do this.
One small step at a time...
but steps nonetheless...
become giant leaps

I want to live what I preach
I want to be healthy
I want to be happy
I want to love myself
I want others to see

 I want a new me.