
Story Circles

I've been reading a book called Everyday Sacred, which I found in the reading room at my church (church is a whole new thing to me... and for another day).  This quote stuck out to me.  My life is full of surprising and fun stories, but sometimes I get frustrated at the wandering journey and the endless circles I seem to spin.

I also get lost... a lot. 

"Stories move in circles. 
They don't go in straight lines. So it helps if you listen in circles. There are stories inside stories and stories between stories, and finding your way through them is as easy and as hard as finding your way home. 
And part of the finding is the getting lost. 
And when your're lost, you start to look around and to listen."

Right now, I am simply working on finding new circles, the beauty of the ones I have, and also to not run endlessly in futile ones.  Sometimes you just have to let go to the universe and  trust it's plan.  

Trust that what is right will come back around again.


And so we begin again...

My attempt to start this blog again last year was an epic fail!  Life on the farm and off the farm just got too hectic, and when down-time came, I wanted to do nothing more the drink wine and stream shows on the internet.  But it is a new day...

March 1, 2013- moved again!  This is my biggest solo place by far- a whole two bedrooms- yup read it, one.. two!  Not a super accomplishment by most standards, but to actually have separate spaces for my office and arts and sleeping, and hanging out... this is BIG!  Unfortunately the only factor hanging over me is how to actually afford it.  

I only have one part time job (thanks Master's Degree and crappy economy), but that is temporary.  And a big part of this move is making it work!  That means...budget, budget, budget.  I have many ideas how to do that- but the follow-through is the key.  The first main step is food.  Planning, shopping, preparing and eating at home.  Making as much as I can from scratch.  It is so much cheaper to buy raw ingredients and cook from home then to go to pre-packaged meals (or get nasty bad for you take-out).  It is a habit thou... and one that I want to develop.  My health has not been good for a while (packing on the pounds- I am sure I will post much about my quest to loose 25-30 lbs) because of poor eating habits and exercising habits.  My new place is .5 miles to my gym.  I am sooo excited.  

So we begin again.  I first have to unpack... I am already making a "wish" list of items I need.  I think re-store, thrift stores, and craig's list will be my shopping/ hunting grounds.  New things are fine, but finding things is better.  Heck I am even dreaming of making a picnic table for my back porch... ah the dreams of a delusional extremely tired person.  But first... we begin again.  Baby steps.  

I am looking forward to this journey...