
$%^# Thesis!

Working on a thesis, as I think many of you can attest is like a waterboard torture (I am only guessing here) of the most delicious water (or pick your fav beverage) you can imagine. A labour of love that you just want to kill- or will make you want to cry, and throw in the towel yourself. Basically I am at that point that I just want it to be over, I want it to be good, I want it to be over, I want it to be the paper I have dreamed about, I want it to be over, I want to answer- "Done!" when someone asks me about it, I want it to be over, I want to go on to the growing list of "things to do when the thesis is done",I want it to be over, I don't want to think or talk about it anymore, I want it to OVER!!

These are the images I get these days- my beautiful loving dog looking at me with those soulful and hopeful eyes, begging to play- for longer then 10 min. "Come on ma!!" And then the table at Starbucks- where I begrudingly drag myself to (and am at right now) because I know that I will get more work done there- even if I do have to pay for coffee and internet access.
But then I love what I am doing, and I look that handsome dog in the eyes and think about the better life that this thesis will bring (or at least the land of milk and honey I pretend is at the end of this particular road!!) I think about all of the women who have helped me learn and write about women farmers and their herstory. I think about publishing an article and findig a way to continue this work I have begun! I think- two more weeks! Yay! Arrg!
Breath. Center. Now get to work.
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