
The Killdeer Family

The other day on our morning walk through the old trailer park (it is the best short cut to Starbucks) I saw this huge Killdeer sitting down. She was making the tale-tail Killdeer cry, but not moving. I couldn't help but wonder if she was hurt. We slowed down to get a look, but kept our distance since she was obviously in some sort of distress. Why was not a mystery for long. As we approached, suddenly she leaped up, revealing three babies- but the real source of her distress was a fourth whom had not made it safely under her wing. (I am assuming it is a female- since Killdeer are one of those plovers where there is no difference in appearance).
Since then we have walked this path many times- not only for coffee, but there is always something to explore or see on this route. I have always marveled at how destruction- both man-made and natural- promotes new activity by creating new habitats. I have not seen the babies again, but on every walk we are greeted by the nervous parents who cry and make a great commotion in no doubt their effort to keep us far away from the nest. They do this curious thing of spreading their tail feathers, almost like little directional flags so we are sure to follow them. I read that this might actually be their common behavior of pretending to have a broken wing in order to lead predators away from their nests.
I love discovering these things- seeing the behavior and then going to read about it. Nature and animals are truly marvelous, and very humbling. I get so wrapped up in myself and my struggles, that sometimes I forget all of the life that goes on around me- constantly. It doesn't take much to remind me that I am only a very small piece of this very large world. Thanks Killdeer family.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those Kildeer are awesome. Also, your site looks great!